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Terms & Conditions


I. SUBJECTArt. 1. These general terms and conditions are intended to regulate the relations between “Victoria 69 - MONT” Ltd., Blagoevgrad, 13 Vasil Levski Blvd., hereinafter referred to as the PROVIDER, and the customers, hereinafter referred to as USERS, of the online store, hereinafter referred to as the “ONLINE STORE”.

II. PROVIDER INFORMATIONArt. 2. Information according to the Electronic Commerce Act and the Consumer Protection Act:

  1. Provider’s Name: “Victoria 69 - MONT” Ltd.

  2. Registered Office and Management Address: Blagoevgrad, 13 Vasil Levski Blvd.

  3. Business Address: Blagoevgrad, 13 Vasil Levski Blvd.

  4. Correspondence Address: Blagoevgrad, 13 Vasil Levski Blvd.

  5. Registration in Public Registers: UIC 101137371

  6. Personal Data Administrator Certificate No. 1649

  7. Supervisory Authorities: (1) Commission for Personal Data Protection Address: Sofia 1592, 2 Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd., Tel.: (02) 940 20 46 Fax: (02) 940 36 40 Email:, kzld@cpdp.bgWebsite:

    (2) Commission for Consumer Protection Address: 1000 Sofia, 4A Slaveykov Square, 3rd, 4th, and 6th floors, Tel.: 02 / 980 25 24 Fax: 02 / 988 42 18 Hot Line: 0700 111 22 Website:

  8. VAT Registration No. BG101137371

III. ONLINE STORE CHARACTERISTICSArt. 3. The online store is available at the Internet address, through which Users can enter into contracts for the sale and delivery of the goods offered by the ONLINE STORE, including:

  1. Registering and creating a profile to browse the ONLINE STORE and use additional services for providing information;
  2. Making electronic statements related to concluding or executing contracts with the ONLINE STORE via the ONLINE STORE’s webpage interface;
  3. Entering into purchase and sale agreements and delivery of the goods offered by the ONLINE STORE;
  4. Making any payments related to the concluded contracts with the ONLINE STORE, according to the payment methods supported by the ONLINE STORE;
  5. Receiving information about new goods offered by the ONLINE STORE;
  6. Viewing the goods, their characteristics, prices, and delivery conditions;
  7. Being informed about the rights arising from the law mainly through the interface of the ONLINE STORE’s page on the Internet;
  8. Exercising the right to withdraw from the distance contract for the goods offered by the Provider where the right of withdrawal is applicable;

Art. 4. The Provider delivers the goods and guarantees the rights of the Users as provided by law, within the framework of good faith, accepted practices, consumer or commercial law criteria and conditions.

Art. 5. (1) Users enter into a purchase and sale agreement for the goods offered by the ONLINE STORE through the Provider’s interface available on its Internet page or other means of distance communication. (2) Under the purchase and sale agreement concluded with Users, the Provider undertakes to deliver and transfer ownership of the specified goods to the User as indicated through the interface. (3) Users pay the Provider a fee for the delivered goods according to the conditions specified on the ONLINE STORE and these general terms and conditions. The fee is the price announced by the Provider on the ONLINE STORE’s Internet address. (4) The Provider delivers the goods ordered by the Users within the deadlines and under the conditions set by the Provider on the online store page and according to these general terms and conditions. (5) The delivery price is determined separately and explicitly from the price of the goods.

Art. 6. (1) Users and the Provider agree that all statements between them related to the conclusion and performance of the purchase and sale agreement may be made electronically and through electronic statements as per the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act and Article 11 of the Electronic Commerce Act. (2) Electronic statements made by Users on the site are presumed to be made by the individuals indicated in the data provided by the User during registration, if the User has entered the relevant name and access password.

IV. USE OF THE ONLINE STOREArt. 7. (1) To use the ONLINE STORE for concluding purchase and sale agreements for goods, the User must enter a chosen username and password for remote access when the online store requires registration. (2) The username and password for remote access are set by the User through online registration on the Provider’s site. (3) By entering their data and clicking on the “Yes, I accept” or “Register” buttons, the User declares that they are familiar with these general terms and conditions, agrees with their content, and undertakes to comply unconditionally. (4) The Provider confirms the User’s registration by sending a letter to the User’s specified email address, which includes information for activating the registration. The User confirms the registration and conclusion of the agreement through an electronic link in the letter sent by the Provider. After confirmation, the User’s account is created, and contractual relations between the User and the Provider arise. (5) During registration, the User is obliged to provide accurate and up-to-date information. The User must promptly update the data provided in their registration in case of changes. (6) To use the full functionality of the Provider’s online store, the User must register on the online store’s site. The Provider is not responsible if the User cannot use the full functionality of the online store, including rights under the agreement, ability to claim a lower price, and other similar functions due to lack of registration. (7) These general terms and conditions can be accepted by Users even without registration in the ONLINE STORE through an explicit declaration, including through the ONLINE STORE’s site.

Art. 8. (1) The email address provided during the initial User registration, as well as any subsequent email address used for exchanging statements between the User and the Provider, is considered the “Primary Email Address” under these general terms and conditions. The User has the right to change their Primary Contact Email Address. (2) Upon receiving a request to change the Primary Contact Email Address, the Provider sends a confirmation request for the change. The confirmation request is sent by the Provider to the new Primary Contact Email Address provided by the User. (3) The change of the Primary Contact Email Address is made after confirmation from the User, expressed through a link contained in the confirmation request sent by the Provider to the new Primary Contact Email Address provided by the User. (4) The Provider informs the User about the change through an email sent to the User’s Primary Contact Email Address before the change is made as per paragraph 2. (5) The Provider is not responsible for any unauthorized change of the Primary Contact Email Address. (6) The Provider may require the User to use the Primary Contact Email Address in specific cases.

V. TECHNICAL STEPS FOR CONCLUDING A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENTArt. 9. (1) Users primarily use the interface on the Provider’s page to conclude purchase and sale agreements for the goods offered by the Provider in the ONLINE STORE. (2) The agreement is concluded in Bulgarian. (3) The agreement between the Provider and the User consists of these general terms and conditions available on the ONLINE STORE’s site. (4) The contracting party with the Provider is the User according to the data provided during registration and contained in the User’s personal profile. To avoid doubt, these are the data with which the account was created with the Provider. (5) The Provider includes technical means for identifying and correcting errors in the input of information before making the statement for concluding the agreement on the interface of the Internet page. (6) This agreement is considered concluded from the moment of the User’s registration with the Provider or the acceptance of the general terms and conditions in another explicit manner, including through a statement on the Provider’s site. The purchase and sale agreement for goods is considered concluded from the moment the User orders it through the Provider’s interface. (7) For the conclusion of this agreement and the purchase and sale agreement for goods, the Provider explicitly notifies the User in an appropriate manner through electronic means. (8) The statement for concluding the agreement and the confirmation of its receipt are considered received when the recipients have the ability to access them. (9) The Provider delivers the goods to the address specified by the Users and is not responsible if the data provided by the Users are incorrect or misleading.

Art. 10. (1) Users conclude the purchase and sale agreement with the Provider through the following procedure:

  • Registering on the ONLINE STORE and providing the necessary data if the User does not have registration with the ONLINE STORE at that time, or by ordering goods without registration;
  • Accessing the ONLINE STORE’s ordering system by identifying with a username and password and other identification methods;
  • Selecting one or more of the goods offered on the ONLINE STORE and adding them to a shopping list;
  • Providing data for the delivery;
  • Choosing the method and timing for payment of the price;
  • Confirming the order; (2) Users can also conclude the purchase and sale agreement with the Provider without registration, using the corresponding functionality in the online store interface.

VI. SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE PROVIDER. CONSUMER PROTECTIONArt. 11. The rules in this section VI of these general